Humans of UTM

First Year, Life Sciences

“How has the strike affected you as a student?”

“Umm, it sucks because my labs and tutorials got cancelled.  I’m not a healthy person, I don’t have time to go the gym and I’m tired because I have to take two buses and then drive home from there because I live in Brampton.  Yeah, it sucks because I have to walk all the way to the bus stop and it’s so far and so cold! Last night, my lecture ended at 9 and the buses are so infrequent and then what do you do if you walk there and just wait in the cold and there’s no one to keep you warm like a football huddle? Also, I lost my TCard and my UPass so if someone finds it, let me know.  Reward: two donuts of choice if you bring it ASAP.”


Humans of UTM

Third Year, Double Major in English & Religion + Third Year, English Specialist and Major in Women and Gender Studies

“How is the semester affected so far with the strike?”

“The biggest impact that it’s had on me is that I have to exercise, and I do not know if I like that. I don’t like the fact that I have to exercise to learn. I just wanna be here and then leave and I can’t do that cause there’s a portion of my time that is dedicated to walking to and from the bus and I don’t like that.”

[both of them laugh]

“[Administration’s] not even doing anything about this because they’re not legally obliged to rectify the consequences that’s happening to us. They don’t have to give us any extra classes. They don’t have to give us any compensation right? So, that’s the reason why they can get away with holding us as far as they can. They have everything to win, nothing to lose. The students and the TA’s do. It’s always the people that don’t have the money or the power.”


Humans of UTM

Fourth Year, Double Major in Chemistry and Biological Health Science 

“Who has been the person you have always looked up to the most?”

“My father. He went through lots of difficult times in his life, and worked so hard to put me in the situation I’m in right now. To me, he is the definition of ‘you earn what you work for’. If there were anyone I was doing all of this for, it would definitely be for him. I would give my life to that man!”



Humans of UTM

Third Year, Psychology Major

“When did you realize you really loved UTM? Did you always want to come here, or did you just come and then grow to loveit?”

“It was spontaneous. I came here from
Egypt. The moment I realized I love this place is when I realized this school
is like a family. We share each other’s happiness and sadness. There has never
been a time where I felt like I needed somebody and there was nobody there.
This place is like a home to me.”