Humans of UTM

Second Year, Specialist in Finance and Major in Economics

“When you are eighty, what is the thing you would most like to be able to say you achieved?”

“I want to be able to say that the world is a tiny bit better because of me. If I have the chance of making any kind of impact on the world, I’ll definitely take it. And if everyone thought this way, the world would be a better place.”


Humans of UTM

Fourth Year, Double Major in Chemistry and Biological Health Science 

“Who has been the person you have always looked up to the most?”

“My father. He went through lots of difficult times in his life, and worked so hard to put me in the situation I’m in right now. To me, he is the definition of ‘you earn what you work for’. If there were anyone I was doing all of this for, it would definitely be for him. I would give my life to that man!”



Humans of UTM

Second Year, Sociology Specialist with a Minor in Professional Writing

“My happiest memory is when I met my best friend. The first time we met she stopped me to say ‘hi, are you Hina?’ I said ‘Yes, I am.’ Turns out she had heard about me through her friends. We talked for about three hours straight in the library, and after that we became best friends. We’ve been best friends for the past eight years now.”


Humans of UTM

First Year, Life Science

“When was the last time you cried, or wanted to cry with happiness?”

“Last time I cried with happiness was on my birthday, which was yesterday. All my friends surprised me it was really nice.”

“Mine was also on my birthday. My friends surprised me too, especially this one here! It was really cute, she made a really big card and I cried a little.”



Humans of UTM

Second Year, Commerce

“If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about something, what would it be?”

“If I could go back in time I would probably emphasize the importance of first year and first year grades and focusing to get into your program, as opposed to partying and going out all the time, because you’ll never realize how low your first year can bring down your cumulative GPA.”