The Graduate: Dear Future Me,


Dear Future Me,

I hope you are well. This is you, at 22, writing a blog post to inquire about your life, tell you about mine, and perhaps motivate you to do bigger and better things than you’ve already accomplished, to always strive for more.

First, do you still drink three teas a day? I don’t think it’s good for you. Sometimes, the caffeine makes you nauseous. When this happens, I hope you still hydrate and take (*dramatic gasp*) a few days off tea.

It is 2016 and I am about to graduate from UTM. I feel conscious of time, because I remember graduating from high school like it happened last night. I remember wearing tall black heels and a leopard-print A-line dress and shaking hands with the principal at Brampton Centennial Secondary, receiving an Ontario Secondary School Diploma to-go.

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What Makes a Good Professor?

Whether or not you’ve been at UTM for a while, you’re bound to have a favourite and least favourite professor. I know I do! In my experience, a professor can make or break your interest in a subject.

About a year ago, I wrote a post about a professor that I did not get along with. This professor was inconsiderate, pompous, and patronizing, but they also had some good qualities, like their presentation skills and overall knowledge about the subject. Ever since then, I’ve been hyper-conscious about “good” and “bad” professors. So, why do some profs appeal to us more than others?

1) Engagement and interactivity

I had a professor in summer school after my second year who made an effort to create a community within the classroom. There were about 30 to 40 students in the lecture and it was only a half credit, but this professor made an effort to know everyone’s names. I had her again last semester, and she did the same thing. Most of her classes were discussion-based, and she was really good at facilitating learning through different activities instead of just a solid lecture. I find that a professor who makes an effort to engage with students is better than a professor who talks to everyone like they are a number instead of a person.

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Man Bun Monday


The hairstyle that is revolutionizing the hipster scene and challenging norms.

Move over, ballerina buns, there’s another style in town and this one is rocked by the men! The man bun has made its way onto university campuses, celebrity magazines, and the workplace. The man bun became popular in 2014 and has spurred numerous websites, hashtags (#manbunmonday anyone?), YouTube videos, and even a ban at Brigham Young University.

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“It is okay if the only thing you did today was breathe.”

These words resonated with me more than anything else I have ever seen, read, or heard. As a university student, especially at the University of Toronto, it’s easy to get caught up in coursework. But sometimes, I think it’s imperative that you allow yourself time to breathe.

Breathe (verb): to pause, take rest.

Having an off day? Bomb an exam? Considering quitting life? Take a break!

Research actually indicates that taking breaks is the secret to success. It’s taken me three years to realize this. Prior to testing out this “break” theory, I cringed at the idea, but I tried it. Now, I am confident that taking breaks is the secret to success, and the increase in my GPA proves it. Rather than moping around and beating yourself up over that one unfortunate grade, relax, regenerate, and come back in full force tomorrow!

The Choices I Don’t Regret


We’ve all experienced that moment when you realize that the decision you just made could change the entire course of your life. And while that thought can be anxiety-inducing, more often than not things have a way of working themselves out. Here are two stories of decisions or events that at first I completely regretted, but have now shaped my life in a positive way.

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Lessons Learned in 2015




In 2015, I made an important decision. I decided that, no matter what, I was going to do the things I wanted to do, for me, and I think it’s a decision you should make too. From committing to working out more often to taking courses in a field that interests you, make sure these are decisions that aren’t forced upon you! You’ll be happier, and you’re more likely to excel.

In 2015, I made a promise to myself that I would focus on activities that I preferred and not what others persuaded me to do. I took classes that I liked, spent time with positive-minded people, and did more volunteer work. I found that a well-balanced life really pushed me to learn new things and be a more positive and energetic person.

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How to Survive the UTM Elections Season Like a Pro


The posters are plastered all over Davis, the Facebook pages have infiltrated our social media feeds, and the halls are swarming with campaigners. What time of year is it? It must be election season!

This is my fourth time seeing elections happen at UTM. It’s taken me four years to figure out what all of these unions, directors, councils, and committees “lobby”, “fight”, and “advocate” for, and even now I am not entirely sure. I wrote a post last year with a breakdown of the different kinds of elections that happen at UTM, but this time, I want to point out a few tips and tricks I have picked up over the years about surviving UTM elections when you’re not running for anything.

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