Do You Even Lift?

Happy crunch time at UTM, everybody!

Midterms, tests, assignments, shifts at work, the December exam schedule coming out—the struggle is real at this time of year. The leaves may be turning pretty colours and pumpkin spice lattes are all the rage (shout-out to Starbucks!), but that does not change the fact that we each have roughly ten billion things that need our attention.

What do you do to take a break?

Personally, I like to head to the gym. The gym is my stress-busting, anger-alleviating, health-boosting haven—and it can be yours, too!

About two years ago, I was going through a tough time. I was holding on to a lot of resentment and anger, when someone suggested to me that I try hitting the gym as a distraction. After some procrastination and no idea what I was doing, I waltzed down the RAWC stairs, swiped my TCard at the front desk, changed into my gym clothes and my runners, and headed up to the machines. Most of my first gym session was running on a treadmill, but just working up a sweat made me feel better.

Physically tired, I was distracted from my emotions, paying more attention to my breathing and need for a shower. Energized, I felt like I had been productive by just doing something so I was more positive about the rest of my day.

Two years ago, I was a pretty inconsistent gym-goer. Since then, I have tried the group fitness classes (Zumba and yogilates) and gotten a membership at LA fitness over the past two summers. I’ve learned how to manoeuvre the weights (going with a friend helps) and I’ve participated in a few 30-day fitness challenges (Google! Instagram fitness gurus!).

I’ve learned a few basic things from my time at the gym:

1) Protein builds muscle.

2) People are impressed with biceps.
3) You will be impressed when you can lift more and run for longer.

4) If anything, there is always a fitness class that fits into your schedule.

So Google and Instagram your fitness plan away, buy cute workout clothes, figure out if Monday is leg day or back day, do your cardio, and eat fresh food. Get healthy!


I hope I don’t sound fake when I ask—do you even lift, bro?