It is most commonly used to describe one’s eyebrows.
It is commonly used to describe one’s appearance.
It is commonly used, well, for pretty much everything.
“On fleek” is one of those generation words. I’d argue it’s what “groovy” was in the ‘70s or what “coolio” was in the 2000s.
It was first used in a sentence by Vine personality Peaches Monroee. Monroee declared her eyebrows “on fleek” and the world caught on. Every teenager I know says it.
Now, if you are like me and constantly yearning for the world’s old ways, you probably hate the phrase.
Long gone are the days when people said to their significant other, “Darling, you look exquisite,” or, “Oh my, does that chunky knit scarf ever bring out your eyes!”
Now, it’s, “Damn girl, you be lookin’ on fleek! Come here and give bae some love,” or, the more popular, “Daaaang, your eyebrow game is on fleek today!”
Quick suggestion: let’s retire the phrase.
Sure, Peaches Monroee may have been hit with a wave of confidence and felt the need to make a six-second Vine clip. Unfortunately, the phrase lasted a little longer than six seconds. And I’m just sort of done with it.
Peaches Monroee, we thank you for your contributions to 2015 slang, but, along with phrases like “bae”, “turnt”, and “yaaas”, could we please leave the phrase behind?
Just a thought.