16 Things to Do in 2016

While the “New Year, New Me” posts flood social media, it may not be a bad idea to make some personal goals for yourself in 2016. Instead of creating large, unrealistic goals, make a list of small things you would like to do in the new year. Here’s my list of 16 things I would like to do in 2016.

I encourage you to join me. Here’s to the new year!

  1. Something that scares you.

Like most people, I hate rejection. Last semester I decided to interview for the society ambassador position for the DEM Society. I was absolutely terrified as I sat in front of a panel of four of the executives, but it paid off. I got the position and now I meet lots of other students and professionals in the field, all because I got over my fear of rejection.

  1. Something for yourself.

I walked out of a bad exam last semester and decided that I deserved a treat, because although I found the exam difficult, I put in the time and effort and give it my all. For this, I decided to buy myself a latte, my guilty pleasure, which immediately cheered me up.

  1. Something for someone else.

This Reading Week, vow to help your local community. Participate in UTM’s Alternative Reading Week and add experience to your co-curricular record. More information can be found here.

  1. Something new.

I am usually not one to switch up my workout routine—I like consistency. But I know that change can be good. Last year, I gave one of the fitness classes at the RAWC a try and I worked muscles that haven’t been given attention in months.

  1. Something old.

Have an old hobby you used to love but can never seem to find the time for anymore? This year, my roommate vowed to play intramural soccer after she realized how much she missed it during her first year, and she’s loving every minute of it.

  1. Something for the world.


If you love volunteering but haven’t had the opportunity to experience it abroad, this is one thing you want to check off your bucket list this year. To make this dream possible, check out UTM’s own Global Experience, a co-curricular activity abroad that involves students working on projects with the community. Check out their blog for more information.

  1. Something you have been longing to do.

Been meaning to clean out that closet full of old textbooks? Post them on UTM’s Student Book Exchange and make some extra cash to help pay off that Christmas credit card bill.

  1. Something spontaneous.

Have you ever been to the downtown campus? Seen its beautiful old buildings, a stark contrast to our own equally stunning but architecturally modern buildings? This semester, use your TCard to get a free ride downtown on the shuttle bus and check out all UTSG has to offer.

  1. Something fun, just because.

This semester, take it upon yourself to engage in some fun. The next time your friend asks you to attend one of the Blind Duck’s famous pub nights, let yourself relax from all the school work and enjoy the night out.

  1. Something that challenges you.

As someone who is personally among the New Year’s Resolutioners that vow to up their fitness, take it upon yourself to not only get back into fitness but to challenge your abilities by taking advantage of the personal trainers at the RAWC. It will jumpstart your fitness routine.

  1. Finish the things on your To-Do List you’ve been avoiding.

Stop putting off applying to grad school or paying off your OSAP loans. Things that need to be done don’t go away, so do yourself a favour and save the stress later by getting those things at the top of your to-do list done earlier rather than later.

  1. Actually,,. Just resolve to procrastinate less.


Don’t let those office hours go to waste at the beginning of the semester only to find long wait times at the end of the semester. Ask your questions now; you’ll be thankful later.

  1. Something you want to do.

I absolutely love to write and have always wanted to write for others. Last semester, I decided to write for The Medium and it continues to boost my confidence as I gain more experience. This year, I encourage you to try something that you also want to do. You have nothing to lose.

  1. Something that someone else wants you to do.

One of my good friends loves to dance and I loathe it, to put it nicely. I finally relented and joined her for a Zumba class, where I spent the entire time laughing at myself in the mirror and found myself returning the following week.

  1. Something that furthers your education or career.

In the 21st century, so much of our career rests upon what we do not only after graduation but before it. Take advantage of opportunities provided by the Career Centre. I know I will be seeing some of you at one of the many resume and cover letter workshops this semester!

  1. Something meaningful.

Whatever it may mean to you, take 2016 to do something meaningful, whether it be for yourself or others. To do something meaningful for yourself, check out UTM’s Health and Counselling Centre, which provides services that cater to your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.