A Place all My Own: UTM’s Best Nooks


No matter who you are, we all get to a point where we just need to unwind. Whether it’s to study, chat with friends, nap or simply breathe, we all have a spot, a nook if you will. We asked three of our writers to tell us about some of their favorite spots on campus. Here’s what they said:

North Facing Benches- Adelaide Clare Attard

My favourite nook on campus is one of the benches to the side of the Instructional Building, North facing benchesfacing onto the North Building path. Here is where I come when I just want to be alone. Why?

It is quite likely that I have been in lectures all day, having all kinds of information thrown at me. It’s where I come to put my headphones in, eat a salad I don’t really want to be eating, and read a book that has nothing to do with twentieth century American literature.

I love this bench because it provides me with the quiet I need if I just want to write in my journal, or sleep with my eyes open (which isn’t weird, I promise). The North Building path this bench faces does not usually have a lot of traffic, which is a huge plus. It is quiet…but not post-apocalyptic quiet.

It’s also beautiful and safe. This spot is surrounded by a plethora of trees. It’s the best if you just want to appreciate the greenery this campus has to offer. Also, If you’re like myself and the fat deer on this campus scare you to death, the deer traffic is actually pretty minimal.

If you’re a student at UTM, like myself, you know that spending half of your life here can be exhausting. Whether it’s to read, to sleep, or to play a socially unacceptable game on your phone for an hour and a half, make sure you find somewhere on campus where you can just be…with, or without friends!

 IB Computer Lab- Candace Ramall


 I ABSOLUTELY LOVE EVERY PART OF UTM! Even the creepy 5th floor of Davis… But my most favorite place to be when I’m not in class would be the computer lab on the second floor of the IB (the really pretty building near the Starbucks). It’s just like a mini version of the library, but less crowded and closer to all my classes! The study rooms there are perfect for when you have group projects. It also tends to be quieter, so it’s perfect for a small group study with friends, or checking blackboard before the next class. Here you can find me trying to complete all the unfinished work I have to do in the study cubical, or checking up various social media apps!

Having a place that you feel comfortable in a university setting is crucial. This space helps me feel at home on campus, the familiar faces I see when I’m there makes me feel connected to the broader UTM community and it’s an amazing facility to have access to. A nice spot to relax and get some work done is essential for every student, since we will be here for a while, and might as well try to enjoy it as much as we can!

 The Rawc StairsSamuel Kan

DSC_0008 Although it’s not a very conventional place to hang out and just relax,the spot that I like to spend time in is the staircase at the entrance of the RAWC. This staircase is the connecting point from the RAWC entrance to the main eating area at the Davis Building. To me, it’s the only place I can comfortably hear myself think.

Because of my hectic schedule this year, I always arrive in the middle of the lunch hour and can never find a seat at the TFC or the tables at Davis. To accommodate for my tardiness, I discovered the staircase connecting to the RAWC. For the most part, this area tends to be empty and I can manage to find a place just to be alone, eat and wait for class.

So there you have it. Whether you need to study or catch up on your favorite TV show, UTM has some great nooks to do it in. So what about you? What are your favorite places on campus?