Allow me to be blunt with you: I hated UTM when I started here.
The constant construction, the unseen community of clubs and groups, the unattended pub nights, the commuter-campus vibe—I literally hated almost everything about UTM.
But looking back, I don’t think I had an accurate perception of this school. In fact, I think a lot of it was skewed by my own negative mindset and refusal to accept change (except the construction—ugh!).
A lot has changed on this campus since my first year way back in 2012, including the way that I, as a student, look at this school. I could proudly argue that the UTM campus has actually changed for the better. Here’s how:
– Deerfield Hall didn’t exist until a few short months ago! North Building was the grey mass of now unused remnants resting beside Deerfield Hall (RIP Erindale College). I had most of my English and French tutorials in that confinement. English and Language Studies’ profs’ offices were even in there before moving to residential areas—Erindale Hall.
– Bus shelters! Those structures at the MiWay bus stop was built just last year. Apparently, during the winter months, they are heated, but honestly they get packed quickly so I would not really know how well they work or if they are necessary. You tell me! I would love to be warm while I wait for the bus in the middle of January.
– IMI! The circular area that has been added to Kaneff used to be just a round patch of grass with benches. During my orientation week, a Slip and Slide was set up there.
– Growing clubs, groups, and resources! Maybe I wasn’t aware of all of the cool involvement opportunities on campus in my first year, and I’ve written before about my experiences with some, but now I know just how much there is to do on campus. Did you know we have a dietician at the HCC? How about how accessible study abroad opportunities are with Student Life or the IEC? Yaaaas.
– Administration! For my first three years, Deep Saini was our principal. Saini is on sabbatical for a little while, so this semester, someone equally as cool, chemistry professor Ulrich Krull, is our acting principal.
So much is different on our campus this year. Maybe it’s because I hope to graduate this year, or maybe our campus has actually changed for the better since my youngin’ days. UTM is blossoming into something new. And, quite frankly, I think I like it.