The Benefits of the English Program

Going into university, I knew I wanted to be an English major. Writing and reading have always been two of my favourite past times, so much so that from a young age, I dreamed of writing award-winning books and making a living sharing my stories with the world. This is still a dream of mine, and it played a large part in my decision to major in English (and minor in professional writing).

I don’t know how many times people have made me feel like majoring in English is not a practical route in university. Most people assume job prospects are slim for those who choose English. They say my only options after graduation are to become a teacher or journalist. While these are important jobs, there are a number of other careers I can achieve that are rarely acknowledged. I could be a publisher, an editor, or a librarian. I could work in public relations, human resources, broadcasting, social media, film, marketing—the list goes on and on! English majors don’t just have one or two options. We develop skills that can take us in a variety of surprising directions.

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