New Year, Same You

Let me just come out and say it: I don’t believe in making New Year’s resolutions. They are clichéd and way overdone.


If you suddenly realize that you’re leading an unhealthy lifestyle in November, why wait two whole months (or until the 1st of January) to change that? Resolutions put way too much pressure on people. You know you’re going to be sitting there on the second day of the year like this Olsen twin:


Or J-Law:


The same goes with all the people that resolve to quit smoking/drinking/texting the ex. the minute the new year hits – it doesn’t make sense; you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. You developed a habit over time; the same goes for breaking it. The 1st of January is the day bootleggers and smoke shops declare bankruptcy and gyms earn enough for an entire year (before the process reverses itself again).


However, being anti-resolution is just an opinion I happen to hold and have noticed to be quite popular among others today.

For those of you that still feel compelled to participate in the tradition of making resolutions anyway, here are some tips that will make your resolutions easier to maintain:

1. Revaluate why you made the resolution in the first place. Is it for you? Great, keep going. No? Drop it. Make 2014 about you!


2. Take baby steps towards those daunting resolutions. New Year’s resolutions are geared towards change and change takes time. So take things slowly.


3. If it’s something you’re friends can get involved in or help with, take them along for the ride. Everything is easier when you’ve got company.


4. When you want to give up, remind yourself why you made that promise on the 31st of December.image

5. A little more on reminders: visual aids work best. Writing out post-it notes, creating an inspiration board, and putting reminders on your phone all take a minimum effort but go a long way in keeping you motivated.

6. Treat yourself as you would anybody else. There is absolutely no shame in giving yourself a pat on the back every once in a while. Reward yourself; maybe even boast a little bit, but make sure you don’t turn into a conceited nitwit. Self high-five, anybody?


Good luck in 2014, and remember that January isn’t the only month of the year…so whatever happens, just keep going!