1) Having no one to watch that new romantic comedy with because your friends already saw it last week—with he-who-must-not-be-named.
[All friends you’ve ever had in life, in unison]: ‘“Busy Friday night. Hanging out with [insert significant other’s name here].”

It’s okay girl. Netflix got you.
2) Having an uneven number of guys and girls in the picture—and it’s all your fault.

3) Giving attention to a guy you normally wouldn’t even consider.
(nervous laughter) Hahahha I’m only here because all my friends have boyfriends…

4) Your friends ask you for advice and you have little to no romantic life of your own to make reference to.

5) You advise them anyway—and then they praise you for your wonderful counsel and go, “OMG, how are you even single??”

I don’t know, Jessica. I don’t know.
6) Every time you hang out with just your girls it’s declared a “girls’ night!”, even though every night is basically a girls’ night for you.

7) Your friends tell you about all the new “‘firsts’” in the relationship. And when it’s your turn, you’re just like, “…I took the wrong bus by mistake yesterday… it It was a real adventure…”

8) Saying, “I have a boyfriend,” to guys you’re not interested in and on the inside you’re like “LOL”.

We all do it. At one point, I was saying it so often I was actually starting to believe it.
9) Your friends talk about the things their boyfriends buy them and you want those things too but wonder if it would be lame to buy it for yourself.

10) You all have Pandora bracelets—theirs were presents from their boyfriends and yours was a present from you.

11) When your friends say, “Don’t worry, you you’ll find someone.”
And you’re just like, “‘Should I be worried…?”

12) But hey, at least you know what you’re doing on valentines Valentine’s Day!