February: long days, dark days, cold days. It must be midterm season.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the amount of tests and assignments we all have during this time of year. Especially during my first and second years at UTM, I found it difficult to stay positive and focus on the light at the end of the never-ending midterm tunnel.
Until I found The Book of Awesome and 1000awesomethings.com.
The Book of Awesome is the product of successful blog “1000 Awesome Things”, which was created by Neil Pasricha. Pasricha has been making readers smile by writing about the little joys in life since 2008. Simple things like sweatpants and the sun get shout-outs, as do hilarious ones like hearing a stranger fart in public and the Five-second Rule. Whether online or in print, Pasricha’s voice is relatable and moving. He has the ability to capture usual (and sometimes unexciting) things and turn them into the hidden gems of daily life.