Humans of UTM

Fourth Year – Biology and Psychology

“First year, when I came [here], I enjoyed it a lot because I had my roommates… I enjoyed meeting new people but after a while it seemed too much. People were really standoffish after a while, you know. It’s a little different back home.”

“Is there a moment in UTM that stood out to you?”

“I keep thinking about frosh. I think my best year was first year.”

Humans of UTM

First Year – Psychology + First Year – Psychology

“What’s your favourite thing about her?”

“I guess it’s the way that she carries out her day-to-day living. It’s kind of motivating and kind of helps me idealize what I would like to do with myself.”

“I like that he really loves animals. He’s really nice to our fish.”

“So it’s like your mutual pet?”

“He’s our baby. His name is Wally.” [laughs]