My Goals and the New Year

I’ve heard it said that the best way to stick to a goal is to write it down. When you plan to do something, document the process. This is evidence. The next step is to post it somewhere visible. This is a constant reminder of what you’re working to accomplish.

giphyNow get out a blank piece of paper and a writing instrument. Write down one thing you want to accomplish. I’m doing it with you.

Here are my two goals for the year:


I know, I know. This is something lots of people say and at this point it’s a cliché, but I’m happy to say I’ve started out well. I’ve been periodically going to the gym and using the treadmill, lifting weights, and taking a few classes. I’ve also signed up for hot yoga and a kickboxing class.


Eating healthier and exercising makes you more fit. It’s important to take better care of your body. Once you start, you see the changes, and actually, it feels pretty good.

Reading books

Reading books is my favourite pastime. I’m talking about physical books that you can hold in your hand, not about stories that you can read on portable electronics of any kind.giphy (1) books

Fiction and its many variations is my favourite genre. I also enjoy biographies. Its great entering a new world and experiencing life through the thoughts and experiences of other people.

These goals are commendable (although I’m biased) and they all start off great. You head to the gym and feel terrific after a two-hour workout. You head to Chapters and take advantage of their sales. I’m becoming active and my mind is enriched with murder, romance, dystopia, and biography.

But then comes the exhaustion. Exhaustion is that funny little feeling that gets in the way of you making those goals a habit.

The best advice I can give you is, imagine the outcome of not accomplishing these goals. Writing it down, seeing it on the wall, is a promise. You set yourself to accomplish something, so go after it. To paraphrase a quote from Charles Darwin, if you waste time, you haven’t discovered the value of life.

The best way to stay motivated is to take a break. I know it sounds ironic, especially since staying determined is crucial to achieving a goal, but take time to reward yourself for your strides. Nothing is too small if it takes you one step closer and makes you happier.

Okay; if you prefer, you can put the information onto your smartphone, tablet, iPad or smart watch. Just remember, writing it down is easy. You only start accomplishing your goal when you make a plan and take action.

Happy goal-setting!